I just finished listening to Joel Fuhrman M.D., the world leader in nutritional education, and besting selling author of Eat to Live – The Amazing “Nutrient Rich” Plan for Fast and Sustainable Weight Loss!, along with other books like Disease Proof Your Child, Eat for Health… to learn more about Dr Fuhrman Products, you can discover them here.
He was speaking at the speaking at the World Preservation Foundation conference at the House of Parliament on Wednesday, Today, November 3rd. The conference was web cast here, live, in its entirety. I think it was an amazing opportunity for Dr Fuhrman to have such an amazing forum to share simply the most powerful nutritional education available to so many people.
I remember it was only a few years ago, where we in this movement promoting to transition to a plant based diet, or a high nutrient density “nutrient rich” diet, could barely get heard. Today, that is changing as not only do the worlds people need to preserve themselves in a healthy state, but we are fighting to nurse the world itself back to a state of health.
What we eat has a huge impact on this and that’s why Dr. Fuhrman was was talking at the World Preservation Foundation.
Here were a few of his messages and the messages from the conference.
“You can’t get overweight if you area eating within the range of true hunger”
“Nobody needs to die of a heart attack.”
“We’ve evolved into a society where medication has absolved all our responsibility only to cover up the very diet that causes the problem!”
“Modern nutritional science… the world has entered a new realm of nutritional science.”
“What if people wanted this information, what if you could not only control diabetes, but eliminate diseases such as heart disease diabetes and cancer!”
One of the most powerful messages he sent was this…
“We are currently living in a chronic anabolic state, eating and digesting food. Life is a balance of both the anabolic and the catabolic phase which is detoxification. If you are eating a diet that is toxic or a nutrient poor or low nutrient density diet, then the minute your body (which is always trending towards health) starts to detoxify you will feel sick.
That doesn’t happen when you are eating a healthy diet and are eating within the range of true hungry.
This was a powerful conference, Congratulations to Dr Fuhrman on the world stage!