Most multivitamins contain ingredients that can be harmful to your health. Check the label to see if your supplement is doing more harm than good.
Joel Fuhrman MD knows Multivitamins. Here’s what his research shows.
Do Not take supplements that include:
VITAMIN E Supplemental E is shown in various studies to increase the risk of heart failure and all-cause mortality. Raw nuts and seeds supply complex Vitamin E forms in the healthiest fashion.
BETA CAROTENE May interfere with absorption of other carotenoids. A study was halted due to the significant increase of lung cancer in supplement users. Colorful fruits and vegetables supply hundreds of carotenoid compounds in complex forms supplying maximum disease protection.
VITAMIN A Studies suggest supplemental “A” causes loss of calcium in urine, weaker bones and increased risk of hip fracture. Excess can be dangerous, increasing the risk of death; the body can make all it needs from carotenoids in plants.
FOLIC ACID Folic acid is a synthetic compound made from petroleum; folate is the natural form, with a different biological structure, found in natural foods and especially in green vegetables and beans. Avoid folic acid as it’s associated with increased risks of breast, prostate and colorectal cancers. Pregnancy use of folic acid is the biggest health mistake of modern history as its use may increase the risk of childhood cancers, autism, and other serious health issues. Getting folate from natural produce before and after conception is “a must” for a healthy baby.
Be careful if supplementing with these minerals:
SELENIUM Helps regulate metabolism, but too much is linked to diabetes, elevated cholesterol, prostate cancer and cardiovascular disease.
COPPER High intake linked to increased risk of cancer, Alzheimer’s, dementia and all-cause mortality.
IRON Excess is linked to increased risk of cancer and heart disease.
IRON (for women) Needs vary widely among women and intake is best individualized according to ferritin levels. Pregnant women need sufficient iron for baby, but levels too high or too low can increase the risk of low birth rate, oxidative stress, and iron overload.
Make sure your multi contains these ingredients
VITAMIN B12 – Low levels associated with increased risk of Alzheimer’s, depression, fatigue, digestive issues and nerve damage. The RDI is inadequate for many. Vegans, flexitarians and the elderly may require 20 to 50 times more than the RDI.
ZINC Essential for immune function, growth, skin health, wound healing, reproduction, and insulin secretion. Phytates in plant foods bind zinc, making supplementation wise for vegans.
IODINE Necessary for thyroid function; body metabolism. Both too much and too little can suppress thyroid function. A supplement (not iodinated salt) is safest, steady source.
VITAMIN D Insufficient levels are linked with osteoporosis, cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and depression. Vitamin D3 is most favorable form when supplementing.
VITAMIN K2 Essential for blood clotting and heart health; improves bone mineral density. K2 is not found in a vegan diet, or in typical American foods, so supplementing with K2 is wise.