The 3 Classes of Food – Nutrient Density Chart
It is very important to understand how healthy or “nutrient rich” you are eating right now, and to be convinced that you are actually eating nutrient rich foods. The 3 Classes of Food Nutrient Density Chart will help you understand the nutrient density difference between nutrient rich and nutrient poor foods.
As you start eating More Plant-Based Nutrient Rich foods, and then optimize the way you eat for nutrient density, volume, variety and great taste (free of addictive substances) you’ll start eating the right amount of calories for you. This is guaranteed to help you get healthy, lose weight naturally and live longer.
Click the links below to see the nutrient density of 27 micronutrients for each class and category of food; the foods listed are only select samples of the nutrient rich foods that are available to you. See the nutritional profiles and soon you’ll begin to notice what happens when you transition from Third Class Foods to Second Class Foods to First Class Foods. To understand how this information was established, read the References Here.
The 3 Classes of Food, are based on USDA Data. They rank foods by class, and then by category as determined by their nutrient density–the cornerstone for making great food choices. We picked 7 popular foods for each category of food so you can see the nutrient density of first class, second class and third class foods.
Health=Nutrients/Calories (H=N/C) is the formula created by Joel Fuhrman M.D. stating that health (in terms of nutrition) is determined by the nutrient per calorie ratio of a food. The purpose of The 3 Classes of Food is not to drill down into the intricacies of ranking which food is higher in what individual nutrient, or which food is specifically better than another. That is more accurately handled by the ANDI (Aggregate Nutrient Density Index).
The 3 Classes of Food™, provide a higher level pattern view, showing you nutrient density by class and category of foods based on 27 of the most well known nutrients, including the most available data on phytochemicals ( the one category of nutrients that best determine a foods’ nutrient density) and represents both known and unknown phytochemicals. There are also deductions for saturated fat, cholesterol and added sodium.
Understanding The 3 Classes of Food will help you to determine where you want to get the bulk of your foods from and why, based on the “nutrient density,” or their “nutrient richness.”
This is the simplest way to determine the worlds best and healthiest foods, or “superfoods” and what you want to be eating for the best results.