Slow your transit time?
Don’t I want to speed it up? Yeah, of course you do.
Well it’s the same with your food. You want to speed up the transit time of your food, not slow it down. I mean no one wants to be weighed down with a full gut. That is, unless you’re so used to a slow transit time and maybe even constipation that you get alarmed the minute your body starts taking care of business with less effort.
How many times have you heard jokes (or told them) about foods that will speed up your transit (digestion, assimilation and elimination) time? It’s one of the hucksters favorite ways of shooting down a healthier diet or new, healthier foods.
Quick story:
During the past week, I decided I was going to eat some chicken breast. Why? Because every once in a while that’s something I do. It’s not for nutritional reasons per say, it’s just because I like a little animal product from time to time. I happen to like chicken, I was brought up on it, and it’s tasty. I just don’t eat much of it at all because I know the health implications and the costs of eating meat on our planet.
But nonethless, I had chicken nearly every day this past week and realized (especially with years having gone by since I’ve done that, like that) it is a sure-fire way to slow down your transit time. Normally, I just get up in the morning and have a smooth ride 😉 or glide, but that didn’t happen during the past week as my body was laden with food that takes a great deal more energy and time to digest.
I could feel the food just sitting in my stomach and my colon (well I actually couldn’t feel that, but I knew it) and thought to myself, it’s no wonder why we run the risk of getting colon cancer when basically, there’s a dead animal putrefying in the gut. That’s how I felt this week, and it was uncomfortable.
Now, I know lots of people like to eat meat multiple times per day because it’s super stimulating and has no carbohydrate, and can work wonders for losing large amounts of weight in a short period of time. The only problems are that it ages you faster (the result of faster recuperation and more vital energy needed for digestion, along with the toxic properties and process of digesting animal products), it infuses your vascular system with saturate fat and cholesterol (versus a wide array of nutrients), and toxic metabolites… And, because it has no fiber you end up dealing with that very slow transit time.
Depending on how much meat you eat (not so much a problem in small amounts or as a condiment) you run the risk of constipation; or a much slower transit time, as I experienced this past week, and that’s no fun, especially after your used to the smooth ride or glide for so long.
By the way, that is not the approach we promote when we talk about The Six S’s for Successfully Eating, for Health and Natural Weight Loss (which may include small amounts of no fiber animal products) based on the six most effective ways of eating nutrient rich foods.
Slow transit time is also no good for your performance. It can really increase the toxic backlog in your body, and lead to toxemia and toxicosis, which are essentially a toxic blood stream and toxic tissues and this can hold you back from performing “well” with a clean and fully oxygenated body.
If you are suffering from slow transit time, you are probably eating a toxic food to begin with in quantities significant enough to be causing the problem.
Contrary to logic; it was a good experience to eat more nutrient poor foods this past week, for many reasons.
1) I appreciate the health I have a result of eating a nutrient rich diet all the more.
2) I appreciate the smooth ride or glide, and…
3) I appreciate feeling clean inside.
If you want to slow your food transit time or prevent it from speeding up, eat a diet based in low fiber, nutrient poor foods. If you want to speed it up, do the opposite.
If this post has a proposition that is completely unappealing to you, then you are probably well on your way to eating a predominantly nutrient rich diet. 🙂
If you are not eating nutrient rich, and you are already slow, it was probably equally unappealing as you realize why you are slow.
If you are transition and are experiencing an uncomfortable change in the transit time from, consumption to defecation (that easy ride or glide is new to you) then start eating more concentrated nutrient rich foods and let some time go by as your body get’s used to functioning normally.
It’s all about your transition, when changing your diet from poor to Rich and in the process, be prepared for a faster transit time. It will soon become normal to the point, where you’ll start to experience normal assimilation, digestion, elimination and really feel it the way I did, when your food transit time slows down.
Time to speed things up.