Beware of how you define Nutrient Rich or Nutrient Dense foods. It could be a Trojan Horse.

So here's an article that seems so unsuspectingly a great benefit to you. It's talking about eating more "Nutrient-Rich foods", when the reality is, while it is sending a great message about nutrient rich foods up front, it's a Trojan horse for nutrient poor foods, and could give you a heart attack!

"Nutrient-Rich" Foods

I keep hearing about "nutrient-rich" foods. Do you have any ideas on how I could incorporate more into my diet?

Choosing more nutrient-rich (or "nutrient-dense") foods is how you can get more bang for the buck — or really, more bounce for the ounce — from the foods you eat from every good group.

Calorie for calorie, these foods provide a rich amount of nutrients (such as vitamins and minerals) and contain few, if any, saturated fats, trans fats and added sugars. For example, a cup of 1 percent milk contains 100 calories and offers a wide variety of nutrients: calcium, vitamin D, vitamin A, riboflavin and phosphorus, and also a good amount of protein, vitamin B12 and selenium. Compare that to a cup of non-diet soft drink, which has about the same number of calories but no nutrients to speak of.

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The problem with the referenced article is that it IS a "Trojan Horse". Do you have that picture in your mind? Enemy soldiers hid in a Trojan Horse that was given as a gift to the King of Troy. He accepted it and was then attacked from the inside when the enemy soldiers disembarked the horse.

Well, it's not different with the definition for nutrient rich foods that has been offered up by the Naturally Nutrient Rich Coalition and the new "MyPyramid", which promote steps to a healthier you.

Note: It's clear that you were to follow these steps as compared to the standard American diet (SAD and lifestyle, you will probably be a great deal healthier. That's not in dispute with this commentary. I applaud Government actions on this front. Just remember that the government is about maintaining a healthy economy and political interests as a priority over your health, which is why you need to beware of how you define nutrient rich or "nutrient dense" foods.

In the case of the new pyramid it's a Trojan Horse of nutrient poor foods, that are scientifically substantiated to clog your arteries, promote cancer, make it harder to stabilize your weight, speed up aging, and shorten longevity. The reference is to substantial intake of animal products and refined foods (grains in particular).

Originally there were the four food groups, which are now old. People got fat, eating foods high in animal products and refined grains at the base of the diet. Then came the new term "Nutrient Rich" or nutrient dense" which naturally gave rise to a plant-based pyramid because plant foods are the only foods that are actually nutrient rich and don't contain those food factors that you don't need from dietary sources.

Yet here's what happened. The same four food groups are now being marketed as "nutrient rich", because of useful but incomplete definition of nutrient rich foods. Animal products and refined foods are rich in some nutrients and marketed as such, but in fact they are nutrient poor being marketed in a nutrient rich wrapper.

See The Food Class System.

Just because a food is rich in some nutrients, 1 or more; does not make it a nutrient rich food. The definition of a Nutrient Rich Foods is far broader and way more powerful.

The effects of how you define nutrient rich foods are nothing short of crucial!

Here is a working definition for Nutrient Rich Foods.

How you incorporate nutrient rich foods into your diet and make the transition successfully, is what The Nutrient Rich Way is all about. The true way to eat to each nutrient rich foods is very different from what most people are learning.

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