What are The Top 30 Superfoods, as defined by their nutrient density? Well, as Dr Fuhrman outlines them on the ANDI Aggregate Nutrient Density Index, here they are.
Notice the amount of green vegetables and colored non-starchy vegetables and fruit; the ideal foods to optimize the way you eat. Also, beans and seeds for up to 30-50% resistant starch providing the nutrients you need without all the calories; credibly satiating!
If you want to be a superfoodie, you will want to include an array of these superfoods, raw and cooked.
And note: green vegetables are the foundation of any healthy eating plan, period. They are the most nutrient rich foods around and there are more meals and menus that can be made from greens, fruits, beans, nuts and seeds than you can ever imagine.
Start incorporating the top 30 superfoods in the way you eat today.
Click on the graphic below to learn more.
I don’t understand this table. This isn’t the top 30 most nutritious foods on the ANDI table so how are they selected?
Mark Alan Effinger
Great quick reference chart (thanks to John Allen Mollenhauer): Top 30 Superfoods: http://www.nutrientrich.com/joel-fuhrman-md/the-top-30-superfoods.html
Which, of course, leads to this TED talk regarding Eating (superfoods) to Starve Cancer: http://www.ted.com/talks/lang/eng/william_li.html
Perfect Sunday afternoon TV watching while eating Bok Choy and Brussels Sprouts
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William Li: Can we eat to starve cancer? | Video on TED.com
TED Talks William Li presents a new way to think about treating cancer and other diseases: anti-angiogenesis, preventing the growth of blood vessels that feed a tumor. The crucial first (and best) step: Eating cancer-fighting foods that cut off the supply lines and beat cancer at its own game.