Adding Nutritional Labels on McDonalds Food?

Ok idea, but will it change behavior? Of course not, that’s like putting a label on cocaine that says addicting as hell. But if you are eating it, you won’t even want to eat or carry on with your life, because all you will care about is getting your next hit of this substance. And when you stop eating it, you will go through hell!

Yes, I know it’s a major exaggeration, but not that far off. I listened to Alex Jamieson talk about the withdrawal Morgan Spurlock when through after that 30 days of nothing but McDonalds in the Movie Super Size Me, and feeling terrible was an understatement.

McDonalds will never simply acknowledge that it serves poor quality food, and now, it’s offering better quality food, for children, to lure in the adults who eat poor quality food, which they know means kids will be eating the same. Monkey see, monkey do.

You can read all about it here.

If McDonalds were really committed to serving great quality food, it would serve it, instead of making all these PR moves to "lead the industry" with developments that are much ado about nothing.

Sure labels will have some kind of effect, but nothing changes eating habits better than changing the quality of the food available. A food addict doesn’t see the label on the package any more than a smoker sees the surgeon generals warning.

but nothing changes eating habits better than changing the quality of the food available. A food addict doesn’t see the label on the package any more than a smoker sees the surgeon generals warning.

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