In other words, make her, or take her out for a great tasting nutrient-rich meal that becomes the proverbial “gift that keeps on giving” and opens her up to a whole new world of food– Nutrient Rich eating that enables her to feel better, longer.
It is my joyful assertion that when you Switch to Nutrient Rich, and you give yourself and others what is perceived as the luxury of healthy eating, you will naturally begin a transition that will eventually, actually quickly, stop being a luxury, but when you first experience it, will be incredible. What was once viewed as something unique, for Mothers Day perhaps, will eventually become your new normal because it will be so fulfilling.
When I speak of “luxury”, I’m not using this term because of cost, but because of how fulfilling and unique a nutrient rich meal really is for most of us. Most of us are not used to actually getting our nutrient needs met, especially when it comes to food. We are used to eating nutrient poor and nutrient barren fake foods. A nutrient-rich meal is the real deal.
Luxury is defined as:
1. A material object, service, etc., conducive to sumptuous living, usually a delicacy, elegance, or refinement of living rather than a necessity.
2. It is also a free or habitual indulgence in or enjoyment of comforts and pleasures in addition to those necessary for reasonable standard of well being.
3. A means of ministering to such indulgences or enjoyment.
4. A pleasure out of the ordinary allowed to oneself.
5. A foolish or worthless form of self-indulgence.
But healthy eating is by no means a luxury, and is actually a necessity for everything that depends on it, and I do mean everything. Yet, it is often viewed as a luxury in a modern day world where being mired down in busyness and staying stuck on old food favorites keeps us eating nutrient poor.
While luxuries are usually associated with the expensive services or products requested for special occasions and not part of our daily routine, eating a Nutrient Rich meal, will tune her (your mother, sister, daughter, wife) into a luxurious feeling of nourishment and fulfillment like none other. And she will feel great afterwards.
I’m talking about a gourmet Nutrient Rich meal, like you might find at One Lucky Duck’s Pure Food and Wine in NYC or at a less extravagant place like The Cafe Metro that is no less delicious, which cater plant-based cuisine. After all, plant based cuisine is where all the nutrients are. If you are not in the NY/NJ metro area, use these establishments as examples that will inspire and surprise your mom.
Eating “rich” is usually a term that defines eating foods rich in calories — high in sugar, fat and oil. A consistent diet of these types of foods leads to disease and shortened or poor quality of life and I know that’s not what you want to dish up to Mom, this Mothers day.
No guilt really, we are all just waking up to this reality. It took me years to wake up!
What you want your food to be “rich” in, is nutrients. You want it to be nutrient rich, or nutrient dense. That is the gift of health.
Fortunately, all you have to do to give this gift, is make the decision to Switch to Nutrient Rich Healthy Eating. Even if it’s for a day, Mothers day, your food paradigm changes.
Again, the perceived “luxury” of healthy eating, is not about cost it’s about the extra time it may take up front, stepping up your knowledge, and or about whether or not you are worthy to take such good care of yourself and others. Certainly your mother, is worthy of getting all of her nutrient needs met, while experiencing great taste, and so are you, so take that step up starting this Sundayin a manner you can afford. It is a luxury you can’t afford to miss and a luxury you and the mother in your life, naturally deserve.
Eating “nutrient rich” refers to eating the foods your body was designed by nature to consume to boost your immune system, stay healthy and enable you to look, feel and function better at your ideal weight. Eating nutrient rich means you are wealthy beyond any financial measurement because you truly have what money can’t buy. Eating nutrient rich is a contagious state of mind that transforms not only your body but impacts those you love. Eating nutrient rich means you are smart, alert and not dependent on artificial substances such as drug-like food stuffs that never really serve you.
Let’s face it…who would doesn’t like a first class meal? That’s what you’ll soon want every day, when you have a nutrient rich healthy meal, starting on Mothers day. It’s always “First Class“, because there are 3 classes of foods, and first class foods, are nutrient-rich. Take your mother out for a first class nutrient rich meal this Mothers Day.
Keep in mind the term, luxury can be somewhat subjective. What might be luxurious for me might be ordinary for someone who is independently wealthy. But what can’t be disputed is the value of a healthy life. Money can’t buy that and you don’t even need allot of money to buy it. The irony is this… health and healthy eating is not a luxury, can be bought on any budget and still tastes amazing.
The beauty is, when your take your mother out this Sunday, you will begin to experience the emotional connection of this seeming “luxury” with eat bite. It’s a feeling of empowerment that comes over you. You enjoy the food when you are eating it and feel even better after and Mom will love that.