.. is daily doses of nutrient-rich foods and weight-bearing physical activities, along with avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol intake
Just make sure they are Nutrient Rich foods!
Here is a recent article that could actually steer you off the cliff, it sounds good, but there is really an advertorial for dairy foods.
> My addition
Simple steps for better bone health
Building strong bones is a lifelong project.
> Yes, but it’s not a hard as you think, your body takes care of that when you give it food that serves its needs.
Bone health is one of the important reasons why the 2005 Dietary Guidelines and MyPyramid.gov recommend the equivalent of three daily cups of milk for adults and active kids. Dairy foods are excellent sources of calcium and other bone-building nutrients.
> They are excellent sources of calcium for a baby calf. There are better sources for human beings, like mothers milk and… You can use this calcium too, problem is, and milk is an acidic food upon digestion and acid foods actually causes osteoporosis. Throw in some high calorie saturated fat, and acknowledge that while milk is rich in calcium, it’s also rich in cancer promoting casein protein and low in so many other nutrients; if you are looking for a size promoting fluid that takes a calf to a cow in 2 years flat, drink milk. You can survive but you won’t thrive.
Our bones get strong and stay strong through a combination of food and fitness. > True
Building and maintaining a healthy skeleton is a process that begins before birth and must continue through every decade of life. Preventing osteoporosis in old age is something that should begin in childhood.
> True again
The smartest way to healthy bones is daily doses of nutrient-rich foods and weight-bearing physical activities, along with avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol intake.
> True, True, True, True,
Enjoy three cups of milk (or the equivalent) every day. The numbers are easy to remember: MyPyramid.gov recommends three cups of milk per day for adults and active children. The serving sizes are simple too: 8 ounces of milk equals 8 ounces of yogurt, 1 1/2 ounces of hard cheese or 2 ounces of processed cheese.
> This is an advertorial – learn how to tell the difference and you have a leg up in our media driven world.
Nutrient-rich dairy foods > You’ll discover they are not Nutrient Rich, they are nutrient poor, help build strong bones (to prevent osteoporosis); help lower blood pressure (to prevent heart disease and stroke); and help maintain a healthy weight.
help build strong bones (to prevent osteoporosis); help lower blood pressure (to prevent heart disease and stroke); and help maintain a healthy weight. > All of which are inaccurate. The highest milk drinking countries in the world have the highest rates of osteoporosis; the lowest milk drinking countries have the lowest rates of osteoporosis. How does saturated fat prevent heart diseases and a high calorie fluid that promotes fast growth, maintain a healthy weight? All advertising…
When choosing dairy foods with > “even” more fat (hard cheeses such as cheddar, Parmesan and Swiss), just be smart with your portion size. All it takes is 1 1/2 ounces of hard cheese (or 1/3 cup shredded cheese) to equal one of your three daily dairy servings.
more fat (hard cheeses such as cheddar, Parmesan and Swiss), just be smart with your portion size. All it takes is 1 1/2 ounces of hard cheese (or 1/3 cup shredded cheese) to equal one of your three daily dairy servings. Dairy foods such as fat-free and low-fat milk, yogurt and cheese are a tasty, easy way to meet your daily need for 1,000 to 1,500 milligrams of calcium. Lifetime bone health requires other nutrients, like protein, vitamins C and D, magnesium, phosphorus and other minerals.
> Casein is not the protein you want, and there are much better ways to get these nutrients, in health promoting packages. Even fat free and low fat milk, are still high in fat, based on weight, which is mostly water… they are far more than 2%, they are like 30% or more.
The smartest dairy choices give you lots of nutrients (protein, vitamins A, B12, and D, calcium, niacin, phosphorus, potassium and riboflavin) for few calories. So, your best bet is to pick fat-free and low-fat dairy foods most of the time.
> Marketing at it’s best, an a commecial belief system that is not true.
Enjoy other bone-building foods. Other calcium sources include fortified juice, canned salmon and sardines, broccoli and green, leafy veggies.
> Yes enjoy these other bone building foods, like broccoli, green and leffy vegetables, hands down better sources.
The nutrient-rich eating plan outlined on MyPyramid.gov is designed for strong bones – and strong muscles to support them.
> You definitely want a nutrient-rich eating plan and will get one in the Nutrient Rich Revolution, Eat Better, Not Less!, Don’t rely on the goverment. While the guidelines are the best they have ever been, the guidelines are based on lobbyists efforts, not the best science and common sense has to offer.
Get energized with dairy snack treats. Quick and easy, dairy foods are a delightful way to satisfy your snack cravings and energize your day. A string cheese or portable yogurt can even be eaten on the go. Want something sweet? Pick up a cold container of fat-free or low-fat chocolate milk.
> No wonder you have cravings? String cheese, chocolate milk and yogurt that is loaded with refined sugar, blueberry flavored? Hmmmm Get energized with cheese? What type of energy are they talking about?
If you are lactose intolerant, small servings of lactose-free dairy foods are the best choice. Yogurt with active cultures and hard cheese slices make yummy snacks, or you can take the enzyme lactase (in pills or drops) before consuming milk products.
> You are lactose intolerant for a reason, you are not supposed to be consuming cows milk, that’s for cows! In small quantities, you can get away with it, but as a part of your daily diet, not a good idea.
Enjoy fun physical activity every day: The familiar slogan “move it or lose it” definitely applies to a healthy skeleton. To maintain strength, bones require daily stimulation with weight-bearing activity, such as walking, basketball, biking, dancing or water-aerobics classes.
> True.
All children and adults need a half-hour to an hour of daily physical activity for healthy weight, healthy hearts, for strong bones and muscles. Focus on active play with friends and family as the fun way to get moving and get fit.
> True
Every member of your family, from babies to grandparents, needs nutrition and physical activity to stand tall. When kids see adults drinking milk and being active, they’ll want to do the same healthy things.
> Advertising alert! When kids see parents do anything they do it too. Do something better for your bones and eat real Nutrient Rich foods! Not Milk. This does not do a body good.
Maintaining healthy bones is all about a healthy lifestyle. All it takes is plenty of nutrient-rich foods, plenty of fun physical activity and avoiding cigarette smoking and excessive alcohol intake.
> No debate on this on, it’s just a difference on what Nutrient Rich foods really are and that definition is something you need to learn asap; your health and your kids health, depends on it.
For information about osteoporosis and the important roles of nutrition and fitness in maintaining bone health at all ages, visit: nutrientrich.com and www.MyTrainer.com