If you are health conscious and are constantly seeking ways and strategies to help you feel and look good but without spending too much then one of the ways in which you can do that is Juicing. In fact one of the popular ways to shed pounds and detoxify is by drinking juice. Not your average store bought juice… I am talking about fresh green juice.
Green juices are packed with different kinds of fruits and vegetables and several other ingredients like collard greens, brussel sprouts, spirulina, apples and mango. A green juice is green because of the adding amazing health beneficial leafy greens for example kale, parsley and cilantro.
Green Juice is rich in amino acids, enzymes, minerals, and vitamins. Consuming green juice will help you in 5 ways.. Here are the benefits
- Nutrients are absorbed quickly and efficiently
- Nutrient Intake is Increased Exponentially
- A Bigger Variety of Vegetables Are Consumed
- You Drink More and Become More Hydrated
- Helps your skin glow
Fact file
Magnesium is essential for efficient calcium utilisation. The chlorophyll molecule has magnesium at its centre and its impact on the body’s magnesium levels is highly significant. When you include green juices in your daily diet, it helps them absorb calcium better. All green plants have Vitamins A and C, which are important co-factors for calcium absorption. Chlorophyll foods also act as a form of ‘stored sunshine’, to regulate calcium and Vitamin D deficiency. So if you get no sunshine, then increase the greens in your diet.
Methods to follow
-Always rotate your greens, don’t use one green all the time. Plants carry a trace of alkaloids (which in small doses is okay) and you don’t want the same alkaloids to build up in your system.
-If you have a strong digestive system, blend greens in a mixer and if not, juice them.
-Even though you eat a gree vegetable everyday, your body will assimilate many more nutrients from blended greens rather than the ones chewed. It’s always beneficial to add spirulina and wheat grass powder, as it increases the chlorophyll quotient in the juice.
-If taste is important to you, mix dates in your juice. However, watch out if you have yeast, candida, diabetes or hypoglycemia.
-They are best consumed fresh, but you can keep them only for a day at the most in the fridge. Add some lime to preserve them.
A recipe to start with
-4 leaves of spinach and rotate it with bak choy or kale on other days
-A fistful of parsley
-A fistful of celery
-2 carrots
-1 inches of zucchini (optional)
-4 broccoli florets
-½ a tomato
-2 green apple

And because we are on mission to help people, by showing them how easy it is to add superfoods to the way you eat, we have reduced our shipping price $8. So that you can take advantage of this amazing superfood drink.