What a day!
First Dr Fuhrman talked about Food Addictions and Weight Loss and the moral of the story is this:
Unless you understand the underlying science and dynamics of food addiction and weight loss, you wont really understand how to lose weight safely, fast and sustainably.
For example:
There are Four Dimensions of Hunger:
- Volume – the amount of food you eat
- Nutrients – whether or not that food is fulfilling your needs
- Calories – the energy value of the food you are eating
- Addiction – and whether or not that food is high jacking your taste buds and causing you to over consume.
Another example of understanding the science so that you can get free of the myths is this:
- Almost all studies are done on animal fats and trans fats and refined oils, not the fat that you get in natural foods like nuts and seeds. Ultimately he explained that depending on your activity needs and condition, you could be eating upwards of 1-4 oz or more, of nuts and seeds every day and still lose weight! This will actually help you lose weight particularly because of the satiation that comes from this nutrient packed food, but also because you will assimilate and absorb the nutrients from nearly all other natural foods when they are consumed with small amounts of nuts? and seeds.
- The information and role on beans in the diet was simply incredible! Did you know that oil is 120 calories / tbsp and absorbed into your fat cells in minutes, whereas the healthy fat in the same amount of nuts and seeds is only 30 calories and packed in nutrients absorbable over “hours”! That will he help you break food addictions and lose weight.
These are just two snippets, but when you learn the whole story, you will be amazed.
The lectures will be available from Dr Fuhrman soon after the event, and I will let you know when they are available.