2005 Trend – Eating More Nutrient Dense Foods

I don’t think this is going to be a short term trend. The reason is, it makes too much sense. Yes it may seem that I’m a bit biased since this is Nutrient Rich.com and the trends support this point of view, but keep in mind I wouldn’t be promoting this point of view it didn’t make the most sense!

Now I’m not supporing the “calorie Count” campaign, but I do want to quote Dr. Barbara Rolls, professor of nutritional sciences at Pennsylvania State University.

She recently presented new research at the North American Association for the Study of Obesity and has a new book about to be released entitled, The Volumetrics Eating Plan: Techniques and Recipes for Feeling Fuller on Fewer Calories.

Rolls said that “calorie density” will be one of the hot buzzwords in 2005. Rolls’ research on calorie density indicates that by eating more nutrient-dense foods, (otherwise known as Nutrient Rich foods – my insert) that are filling and replacing high-calorie foods with lower-calorie foods (e.g., incorporating more fruits and vegetables and using reduced-fat and lower-calorie versions), as well as eating smaller portions of high-calorie foods, approximately 800 calories can be eliminated from the typical daily diet without people even realizing they’re eating fewer calories.

This is a very true statement; but to clarify, the more nutrient dense a food is, the less calories (energy) it has naturally, so you don’t need to count them, but this gives you some insight into what you’re about to learn when you join The Nutrient Rich Revolution.

Keep in mind, not any food lower in calories is a nutrient rich food. So do yourself a favor, don’t start thinking in terms of calories, think in terms of energy density, and nutrient density.

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