Before Dr Fuhrman wrote Eat for Health, he wrote Eat to Live, one of the top 500 books sold on Amazon.com for the last? 8 years!
It’s an incredible book, that has just been completely revised and updated as the Amazing “Nutrient Rich” Program for Fast and Sustained Weight Loss – a scientifically proven plan for shedding radical amounts of weight quickly and keeping it off.
Now, there’s even a Vook!
What’s a Vook you say?
A vook is a video book and you can download this vook, with 13 videos in which he is working with patients on losing weight and improving their lives by reversing disease and adopting healthier eating habits.
You’ll take a tour in his own kitchen to prepare his favorite nutrient rich foods and to the gym where he demonstrates easy to adopt workout techniques.
Losing weight under Dr Fuhrman’s plan is not about will power it’s knowledge. Everything about eating the nutrient rich way is about knowledge and experience, so downloading the Eat to Live Vook will give you a great jumpstart.