You may know that at, we exclusively deliver The Top 12 Findings of The China Study, as written with the authors of this, the most comprehensive study of nutrition ever conducted.
Findings such as:
- Don’t worry too much about single nutrients, single foods, or single supplements.
- 2.Breast cancer is not just a function of fat intake.
- 3.Blood cholesterol is a predictor not only of heart disease risk, but also
of cancer. - 4.By adopting a nutrient rich diet and an active lifestyle, the risks for
several diseases are reduced at the same time, without even thinking
about it. - 5.When a virus strikes, what you eat plays a vital role in your overall
health. - 6.It’s not just about how much you eat, it’s what you eat.
- 7. You can virtually eliminate your risk of heart disease,
- …
- 13. Even though many of us worry about getting enough protein, evidence
suggests that the real danger is consuming too much protein,
especially if it is protein from the wrong foods.
This document reveals the relationship between diet and disease and is a precursor to the book The China Study.
Since it’s publication, in 2004, T Colin Campbell has started the T. Colin Campbell Foundation and has made major strides in promoting a plant based diet all over the world.
Recently, he was on Larry King Live and that’s where this post really starts.
Note: At about min: 10:38 you’ll see Dr Campbell.
This media clip starts off talking about the e coli contamination of our meats, which were unfortunately causes of death for a number children in this case, and their parents and associates who have taken up activism as a result.
What’s so transparent about the 4-5 people on this CNN panel is the predictable perspectives of each person – that of a practical scientist who is clearly the most properly educated person on the subject of nutrition among the panelists (T. Colin Campbell), a traditional 4-food groups nutritionist, a “chef” and a newbie vegetarian who is on and off. As well, a meat industry representative.
Each is uniquely motivated by their work and industry and the story that’s consistent with it. Each is tuned into the story reinforced by their interests. Not to imply that anyone had bad interests, but when it comes to the nutrition game, many interests may be no good for you.
Now each professional made sense, and all make interesting points at one point of another, but clearly each is not working from the same body of knowledge and experience. Here’s where you as a consumer have to do your own research, get educated and make wise decisions.
Whatever you do, do not” follow Larry Kings method for coming to conclusions about meat.
From statements about “bacon”, to outdated nutritional arguments, to industry interests, to justifying the consumption of meat based on taste, this interview is a great example why people get so confused.
I don’t think this video came even close to the real argument, which is not about complete protein, it’s not about calories, or taste, or how much money has been spent on food safety… significant amounts of animal protein promote cancer!
Significant consumption of meat (animal protein and products) also causes heart disease!… I could go on.
Have a watch of this clip – Is Meat Safe?
Let me know what you think.
And read The China Study.
Before you respond conclusively about whether meat is safe, from any perspective beyond first hand research that’s at least 20-40 years old on the subject, just share your observations like I am and let’s have a discussion. 😉
PS: The Chef’s observation that because “we have eyes in the front of our head, long legs ‘sharp teeth’ (see the tiger above and then tell me how sharp our teeth are) and can track down stupider animals to eat…” is not a very conclusive argument for whether we should be be eating a meat-based diet.
In my next post I’m going to share what I think the argument should have been and what I think Dr Campbell needs to delve into next time he gets this opportunity.
Of course, I know it’s Larry King, not the Healthy Lifestyle Expo.
Nice Job Dr Campbell!
Because of idiotic news-reporters, if Mr. King could be called that, conducting these ridiculous symposiums masquerading as the dissemination of factual information that our public is so confused. There was not one person in that farce whose opinion could rationally be asserted contradicting Dr. T. Colin Campbell’s 50-years of NIH funded, peer reviewed published research wherein Dr. Campbell discovered that animal protein causes many of our chronic diseases. The issue, due to Mr. Kings incompetent interview style, did not even emerge from this farcical panel of experts, that animal protein is a carcinogen. Have Mr. King view Food, Inc. then have him conduct another farce.
I could not agree more, that interview was incompetent at best and Dr Campbell’s view was not able to really come through. I was a great opportunity, that just didn’t do anyone justice. Meat is a carcinogen in humans, especially in significant qualities. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
John Allen