Nutrient Density

Starchivore or Nutritarian

Recently, I attended the VegSource Healthy Lifestyle Expo in Santa Monica California. After a few years, it was great to be back as I am a regular of this amazing  "plant based" expo. There were amazing presentations by some of the heavyweights in the plant based diet movement, including John McDougall M.D. and Joel Fuhrman […]

Starchivore or Nutritarian Read More »

Consumers say they’re eager to eat a more plant-based diet, but need help understanding how.

On a day with Nutrient Rich, the new two word buzz term for healthy eating, we are beginning to see the consumer research come out about what they want to learn. According to the National Peanut Board (biases factored in)… "consumers say they're eager to eat a more plant-based diet, but need help understanding how,

Consumers say they’re eager to eat a more plant-based diet, but need help understanding how. Read More »

A Nutrient Dense or Nutrient Rich Eating Style: A Working Definition

 A Whole Foods, Plant-Based, Nutrient Rich eating style AKA Nutrient Dense diet. A Nutrient Rich eating style, based on The 3 Classes of Foods and eating up to 90% or More Plant-Based, Nutrient Rich foods. A Nutrient Rich eating style is also guided by the Nutritarian Food Pyramid created by Joel Fuhrman M.D., the leader in high nutrient density nutritional research

A Nutrient Dense or Nutrient Rich Eating Style: A Working Definition Read More »

The General Process of Transitioning from nutrient poor to a Nutrient Rich Diet

This is what most people go through when transitioning from nutrient poor to a plant, based, whole foods, Nutrient Rich diet. What you’ll notice is that until you actually go the next level in healthy eating, you will suffer from one diet trap after another! Ref: The Food Class System 1. We eat the standard

The General Process of Transitioning from nutrient poor to a Nutrient Rich Diet Read More »

Nutrient Rich Food Interview with John Allen Mollenhauer, by Joe Meglio

Recently, Joe Meglio of of Meglio Fitness interviewed Me (John Allen Mollenhauer) on Eating Nutrient Rich for Athletes. The Nutrient Rich Athlete is the new trend in athletics whereby everyone from the bodybuilder to the endurance athlete is realizing the next level in healthy eating is not about eating more animal protein, but rather natural

Nutrient Rich Food Interview with John Allen Mollenhauer, by Joe Meglio Read More »

What Is The Next Level in Healthy Eating?

It’s eating a diet that is rich in nutrients but does not contain food stuffs that we know cause disease. I remember years ago, I was talking with my friend Kevin Gianni, from Renegade Health who pointed out the difference between a whole foods diet (which is both plan and animal) in the public definition

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Are Nutrient Dense Foods Really Low Calorie?

Nutrient-rich, low-calorie foods can enhance your wellness and support healthy, long-term weight management. According to the Mayo Clinic, a diet based upon foods rich in nutrients, fiber and/or water, yet relatively sparse in calories, can allow you to eat more food volume while ingesting fewer overall calories. For best results, aim for a variety of nutrient-rich, low-calorie foods and modest portions of denser foods, such as nuts, seeds and plant-based oils.

Are Nutrient Dense Foods Really Low Calorie? Read More »

Health Starts Here: The Whole Foods Adventure

On Saturday night Nutrient co founder (and someone very dear to me) Rosie Battista and I, along with her mother Rita, went to dinner at Whole Foods in Millburn-Union NJ for a Saturday night meal. Yes, it’s practically becoming a restaurant; pretty cool to have a selection the size of Whole Foods Market when

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Do You Need to Supplement a Nutrient Rich Plant-Based Diet, With Protein?

First, let’s get clear on something (according to Joel Fuhrman, MD, and my own personal and professional experience)–assuming that you are eating a nutrient-rich diet, you can only be deficient in protein, if you are deficient in calories. All protein comes from plants in the form of amino acids that animals eat to build muscle. You

Do You Need to Supplement a Nutrient Rich Plant-Based Diet, With Protein? Read More »

The Two Things That Make Nutrient Dense Nutrition, Foods So Revolutionary

There are two things about Nutrient Rich nutrition and foods that are so revolutionary. It’s not because you are learning to eat more fruits and vegetables; I mean, who doesn’t know that maximum nutrition from foods is in the vegetables and fruits? Almost everyone does. What’s revolutionary are these two things 1) That you can

The Two Things That Make Nutrient Dense Nutrition, Foods So Revolutionary Read More »