Is Meat Safe? T. Colin Campbell on Larry King Live.

What’s so transparent about the 4-5 people on this CNN panel is the predictable perspectives of each person – that of a practical scientist who was clearly the most educated in the subject of nutrition among the panelists (T. Colin Campbell), a traditional 4-food groups nutritionist, a “chef” and a newbie vegetarian who is on and off. As well, a meat industry representative.

Is Meat Safe? T. Colin Campbell on Larry King Live. Read More »

Nutrient Rich Recipe Brings Healing: Mango Bisque with Mixed Berries and Fresh Mint

(NaturalNews) Imagine a bowl of gorgeous blackberries and red raspberries swirling around in the hue of a most lovely sunset with specs of life giving green. Your palate experiences a taste sensation that transports you to a few moments of, “Ah, am I dreaming?” Your body reacts with a burst of energy and at this juncture, you become very conscious over the fact that what you put into your body does make a world of difference. What is special about this fruit recipe? Let`s explore the amazing health enhancing properties of blackberries, raspberries, oranges and mangoes.

Nutrient Rich Recipe Brings Healing: Mango Bisque with Mixed Berries and Fresh Mint Read More »

A Solution For Diabetes: A Plant-Based Diet

I’ve been researching the most common and devastating diseases Americans are dealing with, with the aim of finding a common thread running throughout both cause and reversal. As it is now, one out of every two of us will get cancer or heart disease, and one out of every three children born after the year 2000 will be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. These are devastating diseases, certainly to those who are burdened by them, but also to a health care system that is struggling to keep up.

The extraordinary doctors and nutritional scientists I’ve talked with seem to be saying – and saying fervently – the same thing: a diet high in animal protein is disastrous to our health, while a plant-based (vegan) diet prevents disease and is restorative to our health. And they say this with peer-reviewed (the gold standard of studies) science to back them up. Even the very conservative ADA (American Dietetic Association) says: “Vegetarian diets are often associated with a number of health advantages, including lower blood cholesterol levels, lower risk of heart disease, lower blood pressure levels, and lower risk of hypertension and type 2 diabetes. Vegetarians tend to have a lower body mass index (BMI) and lower overall cancer rates.”

A Solution For Diabetes: A Plant-Based Diet Read More »

Eat for Health

Thousands who have recovered from their medical problems have been calling Dr. Fuhrman‘s Eat For Health program a medical miracle. We are not just talking about the people who have lost their excess weight after failing for years on one diet after another, but diseases, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, allergies, asthma, autoimmune illnesses (including lupus) and headaches have simply melted away.

Eat for Health Read More »

VegiZest – the SuperFood Vegetable “Food” Supplement.

Imagine a cup of broth at night, or a soup or a seasoning, for a salad or any one of a myriad of dishes, and knowing that you weren’t getting a dose of increase-your-blood-pressure sodium that will put you at further risk of disease. Yet, it tasted like you were getting that hit of salt you’ve likely gotten used to while your body was getting a nutrient rich superfood that you loved!

VegiZest – the SuperFood Vegetable “Food” Supplement. Read More »

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