Diet Trapped

Is Meat Addictive?

It has been known since antiquity that those who regularly eat meat experience some degree of enervation when they are deprived of this food for some time. This sensation that “something is missing” always results from abruptly removing meat from the diet, even when it is replaced with plant foods and dietary supplements providing as much or even more protein and nutrients as meat.

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Lifestyle Trainer Reveals THE SECRET To EATING Successfully, and Natural Weight Loss…

Eat Better, Not Less! Lifestyle trainer and founder of, Eat Better, Not Less! John Allen Mollenhauer “JAM”, will teach you the most successful way to eat better food, for better health and natural weight loss. “After years of eating the standard American Diet,” and then low cal, low fat and low carb diets to

Lifestyle Trainer Reveals THE SECRET To EATING Successfully, and Natural Weight Loss… Read More »

The “Get Lots of Protein/Calcium” Trap

Why Our Misguided Quest for Big Muscles and Strong Bones Compromises Our Health. Many people believe we need large quantities of the protein in animal products – meat, eggs, and dairy – to be healthy, to lose weight effectively and permanently and build muscle. We don’t.  Animal products can be part of a nutrient rich

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The Health Food Diet Trap

#4 Why Eating Refined Foods, Even from Organic Sources, Can Keep You Overweight!The truth about “health foods” Most health foods on the market are refined foods with alternative looking “healthy” packaging. Some should actually be classified as “junk food,” because they are merely manufactured foodstuffs made from ingredients that were perhaps once organic; originally whole and

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Myth: Depleted soil produces less nutritious fruits and vegetables.

This is one fairy-tale that refuses to die. Vitamins are not found loose in the soil just waiting for plants to soak them up into their roots. Plants make vitamins from several building blocks in the soil. Minerals are taken up from the soil, but if there is a deficiency in a mineral needed for

Myth: Depleted soil produces less nutritious fruits and vegetables. Read More »

The Pills, Powders, and Potions Trap

Why Eating Nutrient-Poor Food and Making Up the Difference with Supplements, Will Not Promote Your Health or Success. Read these articles too: Why would you need supplements when eating Nutrient Rich? Aren’t all the nutrients in the food you’re eating? The Supplementation Myth The marketplace is full of “scientifically-formulated” or “clinically-proven” supplements to reduce your

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The Everything in Moderation Trap

#2 The “Everything in Moderation” Trap: Why does this seemingly sound principle fail us when it comes to eating? This trap is particularly effective at snaring the unwary eater because it’s regularly passed off as a principle. “Moderation in everything” is used to end nutritional discussions before they begin, as if it were a “universal

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