Natural Weight Loss

Nutrient-Rich Snacks, Beverages, and Desserts Lead to Natural Weight Loss

Food is the fuel necessary for our body to run well, and what we eat directly affects the way we feel physically and emotionally. Every person has unique dietary needs based on genetics, environment, and lifestyle. Listed below are several suggestions for supplying your body with fuel that will provide the body with nourishment and please the palate. Enjoy discovering what you like best!

Nutrient-Rich Snacks, Beverages, and Desserts Lead to Natural Weight Loss Read More »

Are You Counting Calories For Weight Control, or Making Every Calorie Count?

I spend most of my life counting calories. It was either the amount of calories, the number on the scale, the size of my jeans, or the candles on my birthday cake. It was always a number game. It was a simple concept; the lower the number the better. These numbers only succeeded in making me feel fatter and older the more I obsessed over them. It was not till later in my life that I realized that, in reality, none of these things were the right thing to focus on.

Are You Counting Calories For Weight Control, or Making Every Calorie Count? Read More »

VegiZest – the SuperFood Vegetable “Food” Supplement.

Imagine a cup of broth at night, or a soup or a seasoning, for a salad or any one of a myriad of dishes, and knowing that you weren’t getting a dose of increase-your-blood-pressure sodium that will put you at further risk of disease. Yet, it tasted like you were getting that hit of salt you’ve likely gotten used to while your body was getting a nutrient rich superfood that you loved!

VegiZest – the SuperFood Vegetable “Food” Supplement. Read More »

Here’s what the Journal of Nutrition is Saying About eating Nutrient Rich

The consumption of nutrient-dense foods and beverages, which would ultimately be identified by a scientifically validated nutrient density profiling system, should be instituted as a nutrition platform in the Dietary Guidelines as a part of a larger educational effort to help people choose more nutrient-dense foods and as the guiding principle for consumers to plan healthful diets.

Here’s what the Journal of Nutrition is Saying About eating Nutrient Rich Read More »

Attention All Achievers: Eat Your Vegetables!

When how you live is driven by your ability to function, to have quality of life and the capacity to perform “well”, you will look at how you eat and your overall lifestyle so much differently. You will finally leave the eat less diet mentality ingrained in our heads by a diet industry that knows very little about living a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

Attention All Achievers: Eat Your Vegetables! Read More » on 2006 AHA Diet and Lifestyle Recommentations

The American Heart Associations 2006 Diet and Lifestyle Recommendations A healthy diet and lifestyle are the best weapons you have to fight cardiovascular disease. It’s not as hard as you may think! Remember, it is the overall pattern of the choices you make that counts. In terms of being practical, focusing on the overall pattern on 2006 AHA Diet and Lifestyle Recommentations Read More »

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