Natural Weight Loss

Nutrient-Rich Health Eating Promotes Natural Weight Loss

Eating nutrient rich for as little as six weeks can reverse disease, help you to lose weight naturally, and even help you to live longer – and better. Nutrient-rich healthy eating is naturally lower in calories than most other styles of eating, particularly, when you optimize you diet for nutrient density, and that’s much easier […]

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True Hunger – Are you Eating Less of More or More of Less?

Warning: this post may be a real mind twister, but hang in there. When I first launched Nutrient in 2005, our motto was “eat better, not less”. The idea was simple, the better you eat, the less you need to eat. That original tag line seemed simple; however, it also opened up many dynamics

True Hunger – Are you Eating Less of More or More of Less? Read More »

The 7 Essentials Ways To Keep a Diet Resolution That You Will Love – Warning, This Works.

Happy new year, especially, to those who want to finally start eating healthy and steer clear from The Diet Traps. First, I must acknowledge up front that I know of no one, including myself (John Allen Mollenhauer, founder of who eats perfectly all the time. Nor do I think that eating perfectly should be a goal. When we strive for perfection, we are bound to fail. This is all too common in today’s all-or-nothing society. However, that does not mean that we should not strive to succeed to eat the healthiest that we CAN!!

The 7 Essentials Ways To Keep a Diet Resolution That You Will Love – Warning, This Works. Read More »

Full, with Fewer Calories – Make Every Calorie Count.

Reprinted with Permission: The Pleasure Trap. Dr’s Alan Goldhamer DC, and Doug Lisle PhD. Making Every Calorie Count is the key to the Nutrient Rich Way of Eating. The only way you can get satiated with few calories is to eat nutrient dense foods! Just look at at this graphic above… See what happens when

Full, with Fewer Calories – Make Every Calorie Count. Read More »

Strength Beyond Muscles – The Natural Weight Loss Transformation Story by Rosie Battista

Just yesterday we posted Rosie Battista’s initial story of Transformation: Newly Minted 50 Year Old Woman Loses 35lbs and Stands Side by Side Her 20 Year Old Daughter With Tantalizing Allure, Beauty and Grace! I then shared the turning point for Rosie which led to making the deeper changes in her life, and her lifestyle

Strength Beyond Muscles – The Natural Weight Loss Transformation Story by Rosie Battista Read More »

Get Switched On Video Smoothie is Now in the Nutrient Rich Rich Food and Recipe Database

Years ago in early 1990’s when I was working with Tony Robbins (who really introduced me to Living Health) I worked with a great guy named Chip Eichelberger. I remember to this day, when Chip, my friend Bob Quintana and I went bungee jumping off an old crane in San Diego. It was when MC

Get Switched On Video Smoothie is Now in the Nutrient Rich Rich Food and Recipe Database Read More »

Newly Minted 50 Year Old Woman Loses 35lbs and Stands Side by Side Her 20 Year Old Daughter With Tantalizing Allure, Beauty and Grace!

Not only did she lose weight in a Nutrient Rich way, she fulfilled a long held ambitious dream to compete in a figure competition, and even better yet with her 20 year old daughter who is also a site to behold. See the picture of Rosie “Now”.

Newly Minted 50 Year Old Woman Loses 35lbs and Stands Side by Side Her 20 Year Old Daughter With Tantalizing Allure, Beauty and Grace! Read More »

Eating for Energy, it won’t really help you when you’re yawning.

Yes, even healthy food can act like a stimulant; and it’s fair to say that if you’re eating nutrient rich or “natural foods” to overcome a personal energy deficit, you can get fat because you are eating for the wrong reasons. This is one of the biggest mistakes people makes that get in the way

Eating for Energy, it won’t really help you when you’re yawning. Read More »

Natural Weight Loss Transformation – The Tracie Boyle Story

This is the healthy weight loss transformation of Tracy Boyle who was able to lose weight naturally by doing it the nutrient rich way after years of hopping from one nutrient poor diet to another.
We met Tracy at the North Jersey Nutritarian Meet Up at The Lifestyle Coaching Center in Livingston NJ, were we socialize around eating nutrient rich, nutrient dense foods and have a lot of fun. It was there that Tracy shared her story of healthy weight loss transformation by eating a nutrient rich diet. She tells her story below, shares what inspired her including the books she read and has even provided a link to her cooking blog where Tracie Cooks Stuff, and you can see what foods she’s eating. Here’s her story that resulted in a 75 lbs weight loss, naturally! (and without even adding in much exercise)

Natural Weight Loss Transformation – The Tracie Boyle Story Read More »

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